SSOC will again be supporting the virtual National Cancer Survivors Day Celebration on Sunday, June 7th at 12 P.M hosted by Red Rocks Medical Center. We will be highlighting cancer survivors, caregivers, doctors, nurses, donors, and volunteers.
This hour-long celebration will start at noon on Sunday, June 7. We will also use some of the stories we receive to promote the RRMC virtual National Cancer Survivors Day Celebration the week leading up to the day.
To participate, submit your photo and story or video to [email protected]. Please note, videos can be done with your smartphone and sent in by forwarding to the email provided.. All submissions must be received by Saturday, May 23rd.
National Cancer Survivors Day® is a CELEBRATION for those who have survived, an INSPIRATION for those recently diagnosed, a gathering of SUPPORT for families, and an OUTREACH to the community.
Staying Strong Together! Celebrating You!